Friday, June 12, 2009

Here is how SOFTIN does our work

Here is how SOFTIN works. We do put together groups of special-needs individuals for our educational adventures, however we primarily collaborate with other nonprofits or government/educational agencies who serve the same special needs community... disabled, impaired, victims of abuse, frail elderly and youths-at-risk.

Those organizations or agencies choose from among the people they serve, based upon a needs analysis, rewards system, or whatever is best for them. They bring us 4 or 5 passengers plus 1 or 2 caregivers (for a maximum of 6, our legal limit). We provide our comprehensive curriculum on the water and then the organizatons take the passengers home.

Note that you can find our curriculum on our website, Most trips run 2 to 2.5 hours, however we tailor our curriculum, including time, according to the needs of the specific group of passengers.

We operate out of Santa Barbara Harbor and we have expansion plans as funding allows. Also on our website you will find our contact info. Perhaps you have a family member who qualifies? Are you part of an organization serving the same people and would like to collaborate? Will you make a tax-deductible donation? All are welcome reasons to contact us. Or, to express your support (which you can do here as a comment).

Our needs are for special-needs people to serve and funding. We do the rest. SOFTIN's crew is made up of seagoing professionals with backgrounds in working with special-needs people, especially kids.

Capt. David Bacon
Executive Director

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