Sunday, June 21, 2009

Letter of support for SOFTIN from C.A.L.M.

Letter of Recommendation for SOFTIN

Of all the special-needs people SOFTIN serves, perhaps the most complex are victims of abuse and troubled families in need of direction. In an earlier blog entry, I listed some of our collaborating partners. One is Child Abuse Listening & Mediation (CALM). These good folks provide highly specialized services to traumatized children who have suffered from abuse and neglect and to families in need of help to regroup and move forward in a positive and nurturing manner. SOFTIN is proud to help CALM provide meaningful experiences and opportunities for growth to the people we serve collaboratively.

Below is a letter of recommendation and support for SOFTIN, written recently by the Executive Director of CALM.

June 4, 2009

To whom it may concern:

In the course of our work here at CALM we work with children that have been neglected, exposed to violence and abused. Often they have few areas in which they feel competent. I can’t express what a joy it has been to witness the changes that occur in children when they are given the opportunity to have hands-on learning and fun such as that provided by SOFTIN. The at-sea experiences have been a once in a life time adventure for the children and families that we serve. It has been so beneficial because our mission is to prevent child abuse; providing parenting education and promoting positive experiences among family members. After one of our families went on one of Captain Dave’s trips she wrote that it was the best experience that their family ever had together.

We will certainly continue our ongoing collaborative relationship and it is with pleasure that I lend CALM’s support to SOFTIN.


Cecilia Rodriguez MFT
Executive Director

Capt. David Bacon
Executive Director,

PS: We reach out for people to serve, through networks of good people. Do you know of a special-needs child? Do you know of an organization who serves special-needs people? Please send them our way.

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